Arab Scale offers roller scales, specifically the Adler Roller Scale, for accurately weighing cylindrical or elongated objects like paper rolls, fabric, or other materials. These specialized scales include features tailored to the unique requirements of weighing such items, ensuring precise measurements and efficient operations in industrial settings.


1 What types of objects can be weighed using roller scales?

Roller scales weigh cylindrical or elongated objects such as paper rolls, fabric rolls, tubes, cables, and similar materials commonly found in industrial settings.

2 What are the weight capacity and accuracy of roller scales?

Different models and manufacturers offer roller scales with varying weight capacities and accuracy levels. Select  roller scales that supports the weight of the goods and provides the required accuracy for precise measurements.

3 How do roller scales accommodate different sizes and shapes of objects?

Roller scales feature adjustable rollers or conveyor belts to accommodate various sizes and shapes of objects. This flexibility allows efficient weighing of different materials without manual adjustments.

4 Do Arab Scale's roller scales integrate into existing production or conveyor systems?

Arab Scale's roller scales, including the Adler Roller Scales, integrate into existing production or conveyor systems to streamline weighing processes and ensure seamless integration with other industrial equipment.

5 What features do Arab Scale's roller scales have?

Arab Scale offers specialized roller scales, like the Adler Roller Scale, designed to weigh cylindrical or elongated objects accurately. These scales include features tailored to the unique requirements of weighing such items, ensuring precise measurements and efficient operations in industrial settings.

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