Electrodes are conductive materials that facilitate the flow of electric current in various applications, including batteries, sensors, and medical devices. The Starter Electrode, powered by OHAUS Precision, are built to withstand regular use. These robust and long-lasting electrode feature glass or plastic shaft construction. Each electrode includes a built-in temperature sensor for automated temperature correction, ensuring precise readings. They fit precisely into the electrode clips on all OHAUS portable meters and the electrode holders on OHAUS bench meters.



Electrode are conductive materials that facilitate the flow of electric current in various applications, such as batteries, sensors, and medical devices.


Electrode are commonly made from conductive materials like metals, graphite, and carbon.


Electrode conduct electric current by transferring electrons between the electrode and the substance in which they are immersed, enabling various electrochemical reactions.


Common types of electrode include reference electrode, working electrode, and counter electrode. Each type serves a specific function in electrochemical cells and experiments.


Applications that use electrode include batteries, fuel cells, electrolysis, pH measurement, and medical devices like ECG and EEG machines.


To choose the right electrode, consider factors such as the type of measurement needed, the chemical environment, the required precision, and the compatibility with your existing equipment.


Starter Electrodes by OHAUS are durable and reliable electrodes designed for regular use. They feature glass or plastic shaft construction and built-in temperature sensors for precise readings.


Built-in temperature sensors enable automated temperature correction, ensuring accurate and consistent measurements in varying environmental conditions.


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