Accredicted Calibration Lab Services for

  •  Mass
  • Weighing Scale
  • Temperature Calibration -Chillers, Freezers, Ovens & Incubators
  • Dimension-Callipers,   Micro meter
  • Thickness-Gauges
  • Volume-Pipette, Glassware & Burette
  • Gas Detector
  • Force

Our Certifications

certificates industrial weighing scale uae
certificate industrial weighing scales uae
arabscale calibration lab uae

Certification And Accreditation

Arab Scale Trading LLC takes pride in its accredited calibration lab, recognized by the Emirates International Accreditation Centre and adhering to ISO/IEC [ISO 9001] standards. This accreditation ensures that our calibration processes meet the highest global standards for accuracy, reliability, and traceability. Our commitment to excellence shows in the continuous training our technicians undergo to keep abreast of industry advancements and best practices. Our clients trust in the precision and quality of our calibration services, knowing that they meet the most stringent standards in the field.

1 What types of equipment and instruments does your calibration service cover in the UAE?

We calibrate a wide range of equipment and instruments across various industries, including electrical, mechanical, temperature, pressure, dimensional, and analytical instruments, from basic handheld devices to complex laboratory equipment.

2 How frequently should I calibrate my instruments, and what are the consequences of not adhering to a calibration schedule?

Many variables, such as usage, ambient conditions, and industry norms, influence the frequency needed to calibrate an object. We typically recommend annual calibration for most instruments, though critical instruments may need more frequent calibration. Neglecting a calibration schedule can lead to inaccurate measurements, compromised product quality, regulatory issues, and increased risk of errors or failures.

3  Can ArabScale provide on-site services, or do I need to send my equipment to your lab?

We offer on-site calibration services and run advanced laboratory facilities. Our skilled technicians travel to your location for calibration, reducing downtime and logistical challenges. Alternatively, you can send your equipment to our lab for precise and efficient calibration.

4 What certifications and accreditations does your calibration lab hold, ensuring compliance with industry standards in the UAE?

Our calibration lab is accredited by the Emirates International Accreditation Centre and follows ISO/IEC [ISO 9001] standards, ensuring our calibration processes meet the highest global standards for accuracy, dependability, and traceability. Our technicians receive regular training to stay updated with industry advancements and best practices.

5 How do you handle the calibration process for specialized or custom equipment that may not have standard calibration procedures?

Our team of skilled engineers and technicians designs specialized calibration procedures for unusual or specialist equipment. We collaborate closely with customers to understand their equipment's specific needs and create customized calibration solutions to ensure precise and consistent results. Leveraging our extensive experience and understanding, we efficiently calibrate even the most complex and unusual equipment.

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